“Flying Shuttlecock Fun Show 2023” – Celebrated Christmas, and Happy New Year to the Community!

“Flying Shuttlecock Fun Show 2023” was organized by the Canadian Chinese AutismAwareness Center (CAAC) and co-organized by the Canadian One Family CulturalCenter Canada One Family Network – Love health, love sports and promoteshuttlecock, Tai Chi, and fitness Traditional folk art and cultural activities such asdancing, rope skipping and hula hoops Continue Reading

CAAC solar eclipse event

In order to enjoy the upcoming extremely rare “once-in-a-lifetime” total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, Chinese Autism Awareness Center (CAAC) will be distributing free special glasses to CAAC members and autistic families (limit of one pair to each family member.) Please register online via the following link below, the Continue Reading

Chinese New Year Family Gathering

Chinese Autism Awareness Center (CAAC) is a federally registered non-profit organization established in 2017. CAAC is committed to providing support services to autistic individuals and their families within the Chinese-Canadian community, assisting them in the treatment, rehabilitation, integration into society, promoting their physical and mental well-being and development, and improving Continue Reading

Special Need Camps & Programs

As the summer vacation is getting closer, more and more camps offered by the government or camps operated by private organizations have been launched from the end of March. In order to let parents understand and choose a suitable summer camp for their children as soon as possible, Chinese Autism Continue Reading