“Flying Shuttlecock Fun Show 2023” was organized by the Canadian Chinese AutismAwareness Center (CAAC) and co-organized by the Canadian One Family CulturalCenter Canada One Family Network – Love health, love sports and promoteshuttlecock, Tai Chi, and fitness Traditional folk art and cultural activities such asdancing, rope skipping and hula hoops Continue Reading
CAAC solar eclipse event
In order to enjoy the upcoming extremely rare “once-in-a-lifetime” total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, Chinese Autism Awareness Center (CAAC) will be distributing free special glasses to CAAC members and autistic families (limit of one pair to each family member.) Please register online via the following link below, the Continue Reading
Online lecture for special need family financial knowledge and security No. 3:
Understand the new tax policies and tax filing precautions in 2023, and make family financial plans for 2024 and the future.
PLAY project Therapy
How to use play project to help Autistic Children to reduce anxiety. Time: June 22, 2019, 18:00-20:00 Location: 410 Goldhawk Trail, Scarborough ON M1V 4E7 (free parking at the back door) Fee: Free, with refreshments Certified PLAY Project Consultant. Master of Applied Disability Studies More than 10 years of Continue Reading
Seminar on Music Therapy Accomplished with big Success
The Canadian Chinese Autism Awareness Centre (CAAC) successfully held a seminar on Music Therapy in North York Center on March 23. The seminar invited Ms. Karen Kwok, a professional music therapist, as the guest speaker. Karen is a certified music therapist in Canada and the United States, holding a honour’s Continue Reading
The new current affairs series will focus on local issues from the unique perspective of the Mandarin community.
The new current affairs series will focus on local issues from the unique perspective of the Mandarin community. The series will also feature special guests in-studio to tackle the hot topics, such as provincial and municipal news, healthcare, business and the environment. OMNI Television viewers are invited to join the Continue Reading
Soccer Event March 31, 2019
Chinese Autism Awareness Center andToronto Chinese Soccer Association hold a soccer event for family with ASD children Address: Angus Community Centre, on Major Mackenzie, just East of Warden Time: Sunday at 3:30PM to 5:00PM of March31, 2019 (Will continue weekly after Victoria Day) Indoor, Free Contact: Helen 416-728-0358 [email protected] wechat:helenxchen Continue Reading